Congratulations to the four Young Innovators!
I would like to thank Joanna Andryszczak-Lewandowska for entrusting me with four ambitious, creative, and hardworking girls:
Sylwia Błaszczak, Izabela Jarosz, Gabriela Remiszewska, and Kinga Sobczyk, who worked on their project and recently presented it during the pitching session at Venture Café Warsaw Foundation.
We worked together on the content and storytelling 📚, audience engagement 💥, confidence 💪, balance among all the speakers 👩💼, and the presentation style 🎤.
Pitching is a stage in the process of creating a startup, but it is also an important experience in personal and professional development. It’s like jumping over a hurdle in a steeplechase.
Thank you for engaging with a smile in the shared experience and exercises, as well as for your inquisitive questions. It was a pleasure to see how you utilized my advice and how well it worked, being noticed by the jury!
I hope this experience will be valuable in the future!
Good luck, Girls!
#TheArtOfPitchingStartups #PublicSpeacking

After presentation