WePolak MEETS in Warsaw

Jeff Michalski is visting Poland!

🔴 My american WePolak improv partner Jeff Michalski is visiting Poland. Jeff is an improv legend. He started improvising in 1974 and since then he directed many shows including Second City shows. He has been acting in the movies, performing and teaching improv most of his life. I invited Jeff to Poland to teach some workshops but also as he is of Polish origin he wanted to visit a country of his ancestors. WePolak will perform together and try to find possibilities to play with local Polish improvisers. If you want to play with us please let us know!

(Read more about WePolak and Jeff in the menu Ozdarska.com > WePolak > Jeff Michalski).

WePolak already had the first set in the land of POLAK and more to come. Big thanks to Aron Kaczmarek for invitation to perform and for the photos from the Warsaw improv jam.

WePolak at the Warsaw improv Jam / Photo by: Aron Kaczmarek

Whats more? Rehearsals, Jeff’s workshops, shows and sightseeing as well.

Follow the journey on our WePolak facebook page. 🙂


Welcome Jeff in the land of your ancestors! 🇵🇱🇵

Our next show in Warsaw is soon, and it will be based on duo scenes. Join us if you there!


#Warsaw #WePolak #Improv